Sunday, July 7, 2019

Tour de Fleece Day 1 - Back to Spinning

It is funny how I go almost completely silent for a whole year except when I got a new-to-me loom! 

Then it is Tour de Fleece time!

Signed up for the Schacht & Akerwork teams again.  Didn't see anything for Into the Whirled and was sad.  But last minute, they posted an unofficial team.  So happy they did.

I decided to also participate in Team Warped.  It is with the Warped Weavers groups.  Since most of my fiber goes onto my loom, figured it was a good team.

I generally pick a team for watching while I spin.  Last year was Babylon 5.  I have also done Firefly, Doctor Who & others.  This year I wanted to do musicals as a theme.  Much to my surprise, I really didn't find a musicals group on Ravelry.  *blink*  There are ones for certain musicals.  And even two for Hamilton. Closest was Movie and TV Show Soundtracks.  But with 18 members & no recent posts, I didn't figure they have a team.

So I am just doing my own thing!  Will try some new musicals as well as ones I love.  If anyone actually reads this anymore, suggestions are welcome!

Day 1 - Jukebox Musicals!

For the start of the Tour de Fleece I wanted FUN!

I actually wanted Little Shop of Horrors.  But much to my HORROR, I don't own it!  *blink*  I had it on VHS.  And in the purge before moving, I let go 99% of my VHS.  I kept a couple things not available on DVD.  But everything else was let go.

I was browsing Netflix, Amazon Prime & HBO in hopes that someone had Little Shop.  No luck.  Ordered it on BluRay for the same price as purchasing it streaming.  With special features & both the theatrical & director cuts. 

In looking, I added a bunch to my watch lists.  One I stumbled across is a jukebox musical called Walking On Sunshine.  Loads of silly 80s music.  And it fit the bill.  Light, bouncy & lively.

I left the drive band on the back post when I switched the bobbins at the end of LAST YEAR'S TDF!!  So it stretched out.  So grateful my Ladybug has the drive band tension adjuster!  Otherwise I don't think I would have been able to start spinning as I had stretched the band out with it sitting like that for a year!

Much to my embarrassment, I still have half of The First Draft Polwarth/Silk in the Thomas Waith Is in Love colorway from LAST YEAR'S TFD on the wheel!  I had finished the first set of singles.  Though in some fairness, I spent EIGHT DAYS spinning the first half!  Wow...

It's on my Akerworks bobbins.  So I need to get them cleared off.  So I started the Tour spinning the second half of the fiber.  Though either I am spinning it to thick or I am spinning faster.  Between Day 1 & some of Day 2, it is about 3/4th done.

I am trying to be smart & take breaks in spinning.  Given I haven't in eons, it makes sense.  It seems to be working well as I am not sore for Day 2.

I also watched Mamma Mia.  Have watched it before.  It is fun.  Not in my top 10 musicals.  But I was looking for jukebox & light.  Fit the bill. 

In addition, I started on Hunky Dory.  Hunky Dory is set in the late 70s.  It is about a teacher in a school in Wales putting contemporary music in Shakespeare's "The Tempest."  A bit slower paced which is not a problem.  But I also decided to take a break last night to play some Borderlands 2 with DH.

I am happy with my progress!  I finished about 2/3rds of the remaining fiber.   I think that is excellent progress.  My only concern is that I may not be spinning it as thin as the half I did last year.  But we will see when I ply it!  Mind you, plying will be interesting given half has been sitting on the bobbin for nearly a year.  So the spring to it will be very different.

Here is the progress pic:

Created via Instagram's photo collage:

The details are on my Ravelry page:

And for anyone wondering about the colors, this is definitely from my daughter!  Soooo not a pink gal.  *laugh*

Hoping to get back to posting pics on Flickr.  Of course, since it was bought, the service has gotten worse while the cost has doubled...  *sigh*  May be time to start shopping for a new photo service.  Sucks as I have had almost a decade with Flickr.  But it isn't working a lot recently...

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