Friday, October 26, 2018

Isn't She Lovely?

I wrote this on Monday but didn't have a chance to post it until today.  It has been one of those weeks!

At last, she is done!  Just waiting to get dressed!

LeClerc Medico Loom All Cleaned Up

She has a new brake circle & spring that DH got installed today.  As well as screws for the treadle bar on the bottom. 

I ironed the apron cloth.  Though you still wouldn't know from looking at it...  It still looks wrinkled after multiple pressings.  I spent an HOUR AND A HALF on trying to staple the canvas cloths back on to the beams.  My hands are still sore.

There was a lot of stapling & pulling out the staples multiple times before I got it flat & deep enough to have it hold on the canvas.  Whee...

Here's about half the pile of regrets.

 About Half the Staples That Didn't Work...

Some people who restore looms a lot suggested tacks.  But both the sets of tacks DH & I got were too wide at the base.  I feared it would tear the cloth.  So I went with the staples.  But the maple fought me very well!  *laugh*

Hopefully, this will work okay.

Apron Cloth with New Staples

So now she just needs a warp to be dressed. 

I thought I had decided on what project was going on her.  But I may have changed my mind.  Maybe...

I got some stuff for weaving at NY S&W yesterday. So I am kinda tempted to give that a shot.  But while it is interesting stuff, it isn't something I have done before. So I really wonder if that is a wise first project for her.  Though that is part of the appeal.  To see how that works.  But I am not sure how some of it will hold up in the warp.  Mind you, there is some of it that I think may do better in the weft.  Or maybe held with a more stable thread.  So come back to the debating what to put on the loom!  *laugh*

I am so thrilled she can be dressed.  And that she is back in working condition.  I think the new brake circle & spring will be terrific for her.  And really make a difference. 

So hooray!

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