Monday, October 29, 2018

Getting There...Slowly...

So after a lot of debating, I figured something simple was wiser for the new-to-me loom. 

I decided to just go with what I thought was a washable wool/acrylic blend with a charity scarf in mind. (Actually, all acrylic when I checked on Ravelry.)

Got 20 WPI on 2". So I thought 10 sett.

Weavers may already see an issue...

Wound the warp. Went with 80 threads as I figured it would make a nice 8" wide scarf.

Tied the warp before taking it off the warping board. As I am pulling if off, I realize I was criss crossing between the first 2 pegs of the cross. Took it off...shook it out to get the usual loop. Thought it would be okay & hoped for the best.

If I were a good weaver, I would have rewound the warp. But I didn't...

This may be lesson 1.

I was also trying the 2 strands at a time method recommended in the Craftsy class.  Not sure if that had any impact on me not picking up  the issue with the cross.  Or just that I didn't start and triple check as it was supposed to be an easy warp.  *laugh*

With the help of DH, I got the warp wound onto the back beam.  I hadn't cut paper for the new-to-me look.  Being me...said no problem.  It was a short warp (over the 72" I was going with...probably more like 90"-100".)  And with the canvas apron, it would be fine.  Again...probably not my brightest move.

Took off the end ties while getting the last bit wound onto the back beam. I should have waited to keep the tension on the ends until I was a bit closer to threading the heddles...  Yeah...  *sigh*

I started rough sleighing it. Realize that 10 sett would be way too dense! So resleighed to 6.   Figured it could be a small lap blanket or wrap instead.  Or maybe even fold it over to a double thickness scarf.  I would figure it out.

Somehow I screwed up the lease sticks! The yarn wasn't over both of them. No idea how I did that. Ugh.

And see above about pulling the end ties off while getting it wound on. *Sigh*

Continued with the rough sleighing.  Thought it was going well. But as I got closer to the end, the less I could get them in order!

 After a lot of trying & tangles, I finally decided, I should cut off the tangled ones at the end. It was less likely to be a mess.

Honestly, not sure if that is the truth. But I figure I will give it a try... If nothing else, it will be a learning experience!

So it is currently at 58 threads.  And at 6 sett, it should be about 9 2/3" wide.  Still really wide.  Ah well.  Time will tell.

Medico Loom In Process of Being Dressed

But not the best start with the new to me loom!  But at least it was inexpensive yarn.  So if it was an epic fail, I think I only lost a couple bucks on the materials. 

Honestly, I am really glad I decided to go simple.  And with cheaper materials.  Had I put on the Spunky Eclectic kit or the yarn for the pillows from the Craftsy class, it would have been a bigger issue.  At worst, I have wasted time & a few $$ if this is an epic fail.  And hey, live and learn!

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