I know, been a while!
Better late than never with the goals, right...? *laugh*
Listen to the Fuck This Knit podcast & they were discussing goals. I decided to give some a try this year. Trying not to go crazy but also would like to do some things!
I am listing my fiber related ones first since this is my fiber blog. But also listing the non-fiber ones too.
Fiber Related -
Finish DH Sweater
Just needs a button band! Right. And pockets. But he is telling to skip the pockets as he just wants it DONE! Poor guy has been super patient. Started in Oct. 2012 & nearly done since 2014! *Sigh*
Knit Myself a Sweater
Bought myself a few sweater qtys of yarn! So have the yarn. Just need to get moving! Though see above! Should come first...in theory... *laugh*
Nearly all my socks blew out at once in our old apartment. Swear the floors liked to eat them! DH and I could really use some new socks. I really want to finish the long languishing socks that I need to add a true afterthought heel to them. Which is why they have been zzzzing since SSK in 2016! I watched a great video tutorial by Amy Florence of Stranded Dyeworks podcast. (Wish this was on my podcast feeds but seems to be YouTube only.) Seems somewhat appropriate as I met her at SSK & may have even knit those socks while chatting with her in a large group before I even knew who she was! *laugh*
Also, DH definitely could use some warm socks!
Weave At Least Two Projects
Really want to finish the napkins on the loom. https://ravel.me/akasha/crn The warp is on the loom. But stalled as the pattern doesn't have picks per inch. And I have yet to figure out the measuring paper so they match. Since it is a kit, it needs to be good about not going over the amount. And it's a rigid heddle kit. So the loom waste can't be too much.
Working Down the Stash
Have a whole lot of stash! Really need to work on knitting from the stash. Have loads of goodies... Though more fiber stash may be okay. Have a lot less fiber stash... But I would like the overall amount to go down from 2020 to 2021!
Get to the Work Fiber Group More
Love the group name - Random Crafty Penguins. And really like the group. Ever since things started with my former boss in Dec. 2018 though now, work has been crazy. I think I have gone 2-3 times in all of 2019!! Think it would really help my sanity to get back to the meetings.
Non-Fiber Goals -
Getting In More Activity
I have let that slide a lot & not doing me any favors. Not committing to anything specific. But need to move more.
Find a Therapist
Work has been pretty stressful over the past year or so. They have improved but still non-stop crazy busy. I need to talk with someone. Thinking I should check about call in as that way I can do it at home on days DH is working. Want to post it here as I am trying to take my own advice. I believe a person shouldn't be embarrassed about talking to a health care professional about mental health. Just as important as seeing a general physician!
Get My Mammogram & Gyno Appointment
Finally found a local primary care doc I like. Even got my my physical! Hooray for that. Loving Valley Medical. Good group practice. It's huge progress!
But I am overdue for my mammogram & gyno appointments. Thinking I should change to a local gyno. I like the OB I see. She is part of the group practice I started with when I became pregnant with my Elder Munchkin. Loved the doc I started with. But she stopped participating with my insurance. But I don't love her. And she always runs late. So it is generally at least an hour wait which is really irksome. Tried morning appointments in hopes that it was just that she starts to run late. But nope. 2-3 hours for a quick checkup where I only spend about 10-15 minutes with the doc!
Think it may also be good to switch to a gyno only without an OB since I am done with that. But not sure how many are only gyno these days. Did get some recommendations from my primary care doc. So need to check out if they take my insurance and their reviews.
Drink More Water
Know this helps my alertness & overall feeling better. Dehydration is no one's friend!
Read More
I have gotten out of the habit of reading on the bus. Also haven't been reading before bed. Really important overall!
Cut Back on Screen Time
This has impacted things a lot. I tend to be goofing off on my phone way too much. On the bus & while watching tv or movies. It has also impacted my crafting & reading time which isn't good either. I took a look at some apps to help limit my phone time. Think it could help in the long run. Could be useful to see how much time I am actually on my phone. A bit scared frankly!
That is a longer list than I intended. So I am stopping now. We will see how this goes! But wanted to put it out there so I can look back on it. Though my goals in past years have been spotty... But hey, being human means trying and failing. But the point is to keep trying!
If anyone actually still reads this (other than DH Helllllloooo! *waving hands*) & know of some good healthy habit apps and/or time limit ones for Android, let me know.
For phone time, I tried YourHour first and really not my thing. Seemed to want to track all my usage. And about how many times I unlock my phone & sets a limit on that. Didn't cared for it. I really want to track certain things like games & social media. I am not concern about my phone or texting time as I do it so little. *laugh* Screen Time seems better for what I want. Hoping it works well. If not, there are a few dozen other apps to try!
For healthy habits, I am trying HabitBull & Habit Now. Similar in style honestly. Though for both, it really seems like I need to come up with each task. Which I like & dislike. Though really hoping it isn't one of those free to start & then give us all your money which seems to be common in the comments for Habit apps! A lot of them give you a few things, but either you can't track them long term without paying for them or they don't store the data. I will give them a shot. Or maybe take a look for a new one if they don't pan out!
Hoping that 2020 is a good year for fiber & health!