Though from a knitting perspective, it does seem that way! *laugh*
I haven't been knitting much of anything. It pains me to say it, but it is true. I got a bunch of knitting done over 4th of July weekend.
It being a long weekend with tons of car time, I even had two projects with me. I am thinking I will put a good dent into the modified Cardigan for Merry for DD. There was plenty to do so that could take the whole weekend. I knew the Ridged Cap to match the Eloise Sweater would be done half way to the Adirondacks. But it was simple knitting so good for the start of the trip.
So the hat is done. I am cranking along on the cardigan. When I realize... Guess what I forgot?! More yarn for the sweater! *sigh* I finished off the ball I had. But all the rest of the yarn was sitting at home. *grumblegrowlsigh*
Luckily there are some good yarn stores in the Adirondacks. Adirondack Yarns is a fav. They are the folks who got me hooted on Catalina Yarns. (Though the flip side was the woman suggested an alpaca/silk blend for socks. And while I love the socks I made with them, they don't stay up very well because there isn't enough elasticity.)
It was a chilly day so I decide Elanor should get to wear her Baby Surprise Jacket. Of course, I have it listed as WIP given I *still* don't have buttons for the thing. But I decided it was probably now or never for her to wear it.
So we went to Bog River and have some lovely shots of her in the BSJ.
That one is my current backdrop and says just how much she looks like her daddy!
There are more on Flickr.
By the time we got the Adirondack Yarns, DD was asleep in the car. So DH hung out with her while I went in to find something. I found some purple Universal Yarn Cotton Supreme that looked like it would make something nice. It is a very soft cotton. I really *should* have looked at the pattern books at Adirondack Yarns before I made my purchase. There was a dress that was adorable that probably would have worked with the yarn.
So when I got back to camp, I looked for a similar pattern. I came across the Flora Dress pattern for free. I really like it. Though I do wish it were a full top rather than a tube top with straps. But it is cute.
It is funny though. DD woke during my yarn buying so DH brought her inside. The shop owner complimented the BSJ. I explained it was my handspun yarn. Of course DH then says "That's why you wanted her to have this on. So you could get compliments." *groan* I was kinda embarrassed. But it was also kinda true. *laugh*
Since the 4th weekend, I have gotten sooo little knitting done. There was a bit in the car a few times. But next to nothing. It is embarrassing.
Though the big reason is that we moved. It was grueling. DH and I moved into the apartment 9 1/2 years ago. So over time, it was stuffed to the gills. I swore I was gonna sort everything before we moved, but it didn't happen. So unpacking is taking way longer than it should as well as I sort out what needs to be packed and put away or tossed. The new kitchen is about a third the size of the old one. So that has been a beast to tackle.
Though on the plus side, there is more room. Including... *drum roll*
A Guest / Craft Room!!
*gasp* I hear your envy. *laugh* Mind you, we will see if that lasts. With everything else that needs a home, I am not sure if it won't be overflow for the closet & Elanor's stuff. But I can dream it will stay a craft room with a pull out couch. *chuckle*
Though I swear if I found one more piece of fabric, I was going to cry. *sigh* I really need to figure out something to do with it all. I have tons from when I was doing medieval recreation. Now that I am not, I really should get rid of anything I won't use for DD. I can't recall the last time I actually sewed anything. *sigh*
I finally moved some socks to hibernation status. Mind you, I haven't touched them since probably May-June 2009. But I just couldn't admit they had taken the big snooze. They probably should be frogged. Not because the pattern and yarn are a bad combo. No real reason other than after that long and so little done on them, I am just not feeling the love. It is probably time to let them go.
I know they got pushed aside because I started knitting stuff for DD. So everything else got pushed to the side in favor of baby knits. And honestly, that hasn't really let up yet. I still continue to focus on baby/kid knits. I like making things she can wear. And there is something so satisfying about seeing her dressed in something special that I knit for her. Plus, you know there will come that day when she will not want anything I made for her! *laugh* So I figure I should take advantage of the fact that she can't talk yet. *smirk*
Okay. I am ending this otherwise it will never get posted!
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